10 May 2010

so... it's been awhile

So far this year I've been in two shows, both featuring art for $25. This is not an easy task for an oil painter, and it's been trial and error. A really great experience all in all, since making mistakes are the guts of that creative monster. I sold pieces in both shows, which I guess you could say makes it a successful show. At the very least I'm not in the hole for the cost of materials, and I'm getting my name "out there". The first was the Bonded Llama $25 Show in February, and this past first friday (May 7) at Design Box, the PBaRt show.

Coming up next... Traffic Jam at AHpeele! Sunday May 15, 2010. I'll be selling prints, recycled/remade clothing stuff, and handmade wood rings. You should be there.